Feedchart - Soil Active, Recirculating and Run to Waste

ProActive Soil Active, Recirculating and Run to Waste Systems - Feedchart

Here is the ProActive feedchart for Soil based growing methods when using Active Hydroponics Systems, such as NFT, Flood and Drain, Wilma, Aquafarm, IWS, Brummy Bubbler, Multiflow (to name a few)

Also use this feedchart if using Run to Waste systems

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This chart, like all nutrient charts, should be treated as a guide, not an exact plan. We are confident this chart is accurate however tap water from area to area differs. 

With run to waste and recirculating soil systems, to get it right, you must learn to read your tank and your plants. Firstly, do NOT grow blindly, you MUST have an EC meter and a pH meter no matter what if you wish to be successful! We recommend adding the pH Water Conditioner to your water first. Mix it in well and leave for 10 minutes, then you can dose in your additives according to the chart depending on which WEEK you are dosing for. You then add our All-in-One nutrient. Although we have given you the dosage on our chart, it is strongly recommended to add the base nutrient gradually and check the EC with a calibrated EC meter until you reach the desired EC level. Once you have got to this stage and allowed everything to mix in for another 10 minutes or so, check the pH value of the solution again, you will find you may need to add pH down at the end. Do not exceed 0.75ml per litre of the water conditioner, as primarily, this is not a pH down. If the desired pH is not met, use pH down to achieve desired pH level. Do not keep adding water conditioner to lower the pH. A pH level of 6.0 - 6.5 is the ideal range to be in. Before every application, the bottles should be shaken vigorously, and the same principle employed in the tank, ie. a decent recirculating pump or circulation pump should be employed.

Due to the predominantly stagnant nature of these systems, and the fact that these are industrial strength commercial grade nutrients, it is imperative that a circulation pump is employed in your tank. Bubbling air, although it will benefit the tank re the oxygenation, it will not cut it re the mixing the tanks contents as the heavy elements within the proactive range will tend to settle to the bottom of the tank. The secret of recirculating systems, during growth, as your plants drink and absorb nutrition from your nutrient reservoir, the volume of water will go down. When this level has gone down by approximately 50% check your EC level and pH value. If your EC level is the same as when you dosed your tank, this means your plants are absorbing water and nutrients at the same pace, which means you are spot on. If the EC level has dropped, this means your plants are absorbing nutrients fast and are actually underfed. If the EC level has raised, you guessed it, your plants are overfed. So as you fill up your half full nutrient reservoir with fresh water, diluting the solution down, you are now armed with the knowledge you need to pro rata and adjust the solution accordingly with pH Water Conditioner at half the previous strength, then additives, followed by your All-in-One Nutrient to achieve the desired EC level. Finally adjust the pH value with a little more pH down if necessary.

We only recommend a reservoir dump or drain away if your plants show signs of deficiencies or severe overfeeding or some other anomaly you are unable to figure out. In this case, just to be safe, drain down the reservoir and fill it with fresh water and flush the plants for 24 hours, then drain down the reservoir and refill with fresh water and redo nutrients and start again! Simple and easy and far less wasteful!!! Regarding run to waste systems, from time to time it would be good practice to top feed and collect the run off so as to compare what was fed. With this knowledge you can make said alterations. i.e if you are feeding the plants an ec of 1 and a ph of 6 and the run off comes out at ec of 1.2 and ph of 6.5 then adjust the tank to ec of 0.8 and ph of 5.5. Do this until the run off matches the feed. Obviously the same applies in reverse if the opposite happens. This will stop the potential of any type of nutrient build-up or lock out, and will ensure the correct application of this range. The chart includes a starting background tap water EC reading of 0.4